Get Advice
We provide free, confidential, independent and impartial advice.
Our Advisers will research your options and look at the possible outcomes of different courses of action. They will not tell you what to do but encourage you to make your own decisions. They will help you to make informed decisions by advising on your specific needs and giving you the facts on which to base those decisions. Our Advisers use all the latest information so that you are armed with the best and most accurate advice.
We are only able to see clients who live in the Central Bedfordshire area.
To search for your local Citizens Advice, please use the link below:
What to bring on your visit
Please look at our page with information on what paperwork to bring with you so that our advisers can help you the best way they can.
We have a partnership with Owens Solicitors who provide 30 minutes free Family and Immigration legal advice.
We have a partnership with Machins Solicitors who provides 30 minutes free Employment advice.
These sessions are held one a month in our offices. Please contact us for further details and to book an appointment.
Hate Crime
We are a Hate Crime Reporting Centre and can help you if you are a victim or have witnessed a hate crime.